Saturday, October 24, 2009

Jeff Stone's Big Ride Along

A fascinating story came to my attention today; it seems that the Chinese netizens have spawned their own version of Anonymous.

For those of you who have been living in a hole for the past two years, Anonymous is a loose collective of jokers, degraders and activists who emerged into the real world to protest the abuses of the Scientology cult.

They call themselves "the human flesh search engine," a direct translation from the Chinese; and their primary mission is to monitor bad behavior by important officials via blogs, cell phone cameras and video, which has resulted in more than one arrogant official losing an important position.

In the West, Anonymous serves the same function; focusing on Scientology issues and the politicians who support this destructive cult. It's hard to believe that any officials would support a group that blatantly opposes basic human rights and free speech, but money talks and some politicians listen.

Such a politician is Riverside County Supervisor Jeff Stone, who is making a bid for a Senate seat in California.

In 2008, Stone introduced Ordinance 884, a law which would restrict protesters from targeting residences. Ironically, Stone himself participated in such a protest, outside the home of a convicted child molester in Riverside County. His presence then is clearly a publicity stunt now.

Oddly, Ordinance 884 was not intended to protect neighborhoods from protesters. It was introduced by Stone at the request of the Scientology organization, which owns a compound in his district. Surrounded by steel fences reinforced by metal security spikes on the inside, this secret Scientology base is reportedly the scene of many human rights violations; including false imprisonment, beatings, coerced abortions, punitive dunkings in their lake, slave wages and deprivation.

Initially, the Ordinance was reported to have been written by Stone's personal attorney, Samuel Aldaheff, who also represents the cult. After his ties to Scientology were exposed, Riverside legal advisor Pamela Wells claimed responsibility for the document.

Mr. Stone justified his support of Ordinance 884 with a booklet provided to him by the Scientology organization. This scurrilous piece of misleading tripe attributes Anonymous with all manner of racist, pornographic black humor, without bothering to define the difference between people who post anonymously on the Internet and Anonymous, Project Chanology...that branch of the collective that targets Scientology.

Mr. Stone refuses to acknowlege his reliance on misinformation, stubbornly insisting that the protesters are a pack of rabid homophobes and racists. Curious, in that the collective includes all races and religions.

Anonymous may be crude, profane, irreverent and darkly humorous, but there is one thing that cannot be denied by Stone. The collective is concerned enough to go out on their own time at their own expense to protest against the corruption, criminal behavior and abuses perpetrated by the Scientology organization on their own members and those who speak out against them.

Mr. Stone is clearly uncomfortable when confronted during Riverside County Board of Supervisor meetings. He refuses to answer questions about his relationship with Scientology, or his repeated failure to protect the basic human rights of the people imprisoned behind the security spikes.

Despite his failure as a leader in Riverside County, despite exposes revealing his use of county resources to support his "volunteer" sister Lori Stone, despite his cuddly relationship with a wealthy, destructive cult, Mr. Stone has optomistically thrown his hat in the ring for a Senate seat.

In order to win, Mr. Stone will have to win over the voters in San Diego County, where he is a relative unknown. San Diego County is huge, and two other Republicans who reside there have also expressed their intention to run.

Mr. Stone came to La Mesa to express his support for law enforcement by participating in a ride along with La Mesa PD. Considering the blatantly prejudicial attitude of some Riverside County sheriff deputies where Scientology issues are concerned, this is a joke. These deputies are a disgrace to Riverside County, and an embarassment to the force. Their biased reaction in favor of Scientology includes the arrest of protesters at Scientology's request, and refusal to take a complaint report against Scientology security guards who assaulted a protester on public property. Corruption in Riverside County has been going on for decades, but never has it been this blatant on the part of a handful of deputies. If the La Mesa PD were aware of this, they would not be pandering to Mr. Stone's attempt to ingratiate himself into gaining their support.

Yesterday, he rolled into the La Mesa PD parking lot at 6:15 pm. There was nobody there to greet him save LMPD and a lone Anonymous protester, who confronted him with a sign reading "JEFF STONE, SCIENTOLOGY TOOL?"

Suspecting himself to be covertly filmed, he said, "Good to see you."

Actually, Jeff, no. It is not good to see me. But the message is this; no matter where you go in San Diego County; no matter the size of the event, Anonymous will be there to inform the public of your venal, negligent attitude towards the victims of Scientology and the corruption the organization spawns. Corruption you have been a party to and continue to support.

Yes, that band of bigots, racists, pornography fans and homophobes will be on your back like white on rice. Your lies, your connections to this cult, your assault on the First Amendment rights will be spread throughout San Diego County. Wherever you go, we will be there.

You do not measure up to even the minimal ethical standards required of our Senators today.

You support an organization that is being sued by former victims for compensation of decades of dedication, compensation for the families broken up, the children aborted, the abuse and slave wages of .36 cents an hour. You support an organization that perpetrated the largest domestic espionage case in American history, Operation Snow White. You support an organization that was recently convicted of fraud and medical malpractice in France. The judges are expected to hand down their sentence next week, and it could result in Scientology being dismantled in Paris.

Is this the kind of man we want representing San Diego County in the Senate? Don't we already have enough crooks there without electing new ones?

As the sign says, "Google is your friend." Use it.